1. you are perfect
& also flawed
2. you are allowed to make mistakes
& you must be accountable for them
3. accountability is not a price you pay in blood
for being human
4. justice is not violence
5. integrity & blind obedience
are not the same thing
6. no one’s truth is more important than yours
& your truth is no more important
than anyone else’s
7. just because someone is famous
does not mean that they are honest
8. your worth cannot be measured
by the number of your scars
9. you are worth saving
& you are worth holding
& you are worth teaching
& you are worth more than political theory
& you are not disposable
& you will not be thrown away
10. your body is not weapon
11. your words are not a curse
12. your intentions do matter
& so do your actions
13. we cannot live without each other
& you belong only to yourself
14. you never owe it to anyone
to hurt or degrade yourself
15. you are allowed to be angry
but you are not allowed to be cruel
16. you are not a political experiment, or symbol, or token, or tool
17. you are precious
18. you are whole
19. you are essential
20. you are a gift
21. you are loved
22. you are loved
23. you are loved
24. you are loved
25. you are loved
26. you are loved
27. you are loved
28. you are loved
29. you are loved
30. you are loved
31. you are loved
32. you are loved
33. you are loved
You are loved
Kai Cheng Thom "What the Queer Community Should Have Told Us", Copyright © 2021 by Kai Cheng Thom. Reprinted by permission of the author.
Source: "What the Queer Community Should Have Told Us" (Marvelous Grounds)